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Photo: Angi High

Featured Video


Here's the brand new video shot in Candelo and on Twofold Bay.

More videos here.

New Album CALM out now!
Have a listen and order a copy here:

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Kate Burke & Pete Wild

Live at St Peter's


Pete Wild

& the Only Ones

Live at the Quaama Hall


pete wild



Pete Wild’s first piano was rescued from a bulldozer at a demolition site.


He lives on the New South Wales south coast in the village of Candelo; reported by the UK Guardian in December 2017 to be one of the most exciting underground music scenes in the world.


There are only 300 people in the town, but it’s more exciting

than any city – it’s pure creativity coming out of the bush.


Highly regarded as a performer and songwriter on the NSW South Coast, Pete’s debut self-titled album was featured as album of the week on Radio National. His song Mars 1 won the 2018 APRA/AMCOS Cygnet Folk Festival song competition.


Combining his theatrical background and idiosyncratic honesty, Pete's performance is deeply compelling as he moves from quirky theatrical absurdities to unexpected poignant and passionate expression.


He has worked closely with several highly regarded Australian musicians, performing and recording with Heath Cullen, Jackie Marshall, Sam Martin (Mikelangelo and the Black Sea Gentlemen), Eamon McNelis (Flap!), Mike Martin (The Strelley Project), Melanie Horsnell, and Kate Burke (Kate Burke & Ruth Hazleton, Trouble in the Kitchen).


Pete’s freshly pressed indie-folk pop album Calm presents a collection of vibrant vignettes which read as a survival manual for contemporary small-town country Australia; caravan renovations, insomnia-inducing anxiety, romantic beginnings on South Coast beaches, losing your lover to the Mars One colonisation project...

© Pete Wild

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